Experience of use Neoveris

Experience with Neoveris gel from Alessia from Cluj-Napoca

Neoveris is a clear gel with a light texture.

I have had varicose veins for a long time, but this year it has been especially great. Ugly bulging veins, heaviness in the legs and swelling turned out to be flowers compared to muscle cramps due to impaired blood circulation. The attacks most often happened at night, I was literally twisted from the blinding pain. And then I couldn't sleep because the leaves started to hurt from all these cramps. Conventional medications had only a temporary effect and I started thinking about surgery.

As I found out about Neoveris gel

Neoveris helped prevent further development of varicose veins

I found out about Neoveris by accident, from a friend who was in rehabilitation after phlebectomy (surgical removal of varicose veins) and she was left with a tube of gel. She was very happy with it, she told about the natural composition, how to use it and tried it. I consulted a doctor and started using it.

My experience with Neoveris: Review of results

I didn't really believe in the result, but after the first application I felt relieved. My legs seemed to get lighter, the pain syndrome was gone. During the first week, there were only two seizures, and after the second - there were none. It’s been three months since I stopped treatment, the symptoms of varicose veins don’t bother me, even the veins have disappeared.